Inspired by Cancer

It appears I blog only when I have a bee in my bonnet about something, today or rather this month it’s Cancer, I want to talk about the inspiring things not the very sad side of Cancer.

We all know from painful experience that it kills and robs us of friend’s family and loved ones but I want to talk about the positive things cancer has bought me.

Yes I have seen friend’s relatives and clients who have battled with cancer some have lived to see more days and some heartbreakingly have not. I am not immune either I had my own scare and surgery years ago, thankfully I am all clear now.

I got really mad this year with Cancer and decided I needed to turn the anger into action, this is what Cancer made me do.  I usually take responsibility for my own actions but this time I blame Cancer!

I organised a Macmillan Coffee Breakfast morning and together with Richard at the Hungry Bistro Café in Wolverhampton we raised £800. I think it was a good effort for a Sunday morning,I was a little scared that no one would turn up but they did.  I am hugely grateful to all those who showed up to support us and our fund raising efforts. I was shown just how kind and supportive people could be if you just ask the support is often there. We had a lovely morning – Thank you Cancer.

Most of you know I am a twitter addict and I have found a wonderful man on twitter and we have been tweeting for a while, I was overwhelmed with emotion when he called to ask if I would train and support his volunteers who help young teens who are having a tough time. His charity is . I have agreed to do this, what’s heartbreaking is that David Lewis too has cancer and is unlikely to make it until Christmas.

Hard to swallow that cancer robs us of another great person whose doing great things, but before I dissolve into tears I will save those for a later time. I have decided to jump in the car and go and meet David down in Hertfordshire. There will be plenty of grieving once David has passed but now there is no time to waste; there is still time to enjoy with David however small that may be.

It will be tough in many ways to say hello and goodbye in one weekend but Cancer should not rob us of our loved ones nor the opportunity to meet wonderful people.

So before David is snatched from us by this cruel horrid disease, I will beat cancer to it and go and meet David, if I am going to continue to help his charity I would like to hold his memory in my heart for years to come. I want to support the volunteers but I also want to keep the ethos and philosophy of caring the way David would want it. It his baby and I want to look after it well.

I shall pass  my hug from David on to all the volunteers I meet and support along the way. I am a hopeless romantic and I believe once someone enters your heart they never leave it, not even cancer can take away our memories and if I  can help continue David’s work in some small way, it feels like a two fingers up to cancer!

I hope one day cancer will stop robbing us of our loved ones and we can end the suffering. Until then we will do what we can because what Cancer doesn’t know is it doesn’t pull us apart it throws us closer together as we unite against this monstrous disease great things are happening.

It inspires us to fight on and to never give up, it inspires us to take the great challenges like marathons and sky dives to raise funds in the fight against cancer. Whilst doing such challenges  we push our own boundaries and achieve more than we ever thought was possible. The fully alive feeling we get from these achievements is to be savoured for when we dare to be brave and go beyond our comfort zone our reward is this incredible feeling that cancer can’t have. As we feel proud of what we have achieved.

Cancer reminds us that life is precious and we need to do what we want because time is not endless, it tells us to get out there and live our lives in away  that feels right for us.

It maybe dark and evil but it brings to light some of the amazing people out there and the wonderful human spirits cancer never gets, it may take the bodies but the memories and work lives on.

If you would like to follow David he is @HomeToHomeCook or you can buy his book in support of a charity that doesn’t get as much publicity as Cancer  but is close to Davids heart and that is Harrison Fund. You can purchase it here.

For David

You came in to my life and I know it will be brief
But I see the magic and love amongst the grief
I am humbled by your request to support your volunteers
I will do my best although I can’t promise there won’t be tears

David  cancer may take you but your poems and work at will live on.

With love and best wishes to all those affected by Cancer

Mel & River x
