I recently wrote an article that appeared in Mo2vate magazine.
So many people are experiencing sleep disturbances at the moment, with some work it might be possible to improve your sleep.
1) Switch off the gadgets well before bed and put them downstairs.
2) Low level activity allows your survival brain to switch off so try. Audio books, music, podcasts reading or colouring. Listen in bed so you can drop off when sleepiness arrives.
3) Use aromatherapy sprays or oils too soothe your nervous system.
4) Magnesium sleep creams also help relax muscles or epsom salt baths.
5) Cooler bedrooms also can help as body temperature drops during sleep.
6) Focus on slowing heart rate and try guided meditation or hypnotherapy apps.
7) Reduce alcohol and caffeine and try calming teas instead.
8) Do some exercise, as tired bodies override busy brains
9) Weighted blankets might offer comfort for anxiety
10) Don’t avoid bed as the cycle can get worse.If you have prolonged sleep issues see your GP as prolonged insomnia massively affects mental health. GPs may prescribe short-term sleep medication or melatonin for more longer term use.Working on stress levels during the day may help too. Rising uncertainty increases anxiety and sleep can be harder to come by.Life is miserable without sleep so do work on it and don’t just suffer in silence.
If your anxiety feels out of control get in touch for a free and confidential talk to see if counselling might help.
Find my contact information here https://www.meljriley.co.uk/contact-me/